Is Equine-Assisted Learning A Profitable Business Model?

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September 6, 2024 – What comes to mind when you hear equine assisted learning?

Most people in the U.S. initially think of therapeutic riding programs or programs that serve a specific population such as veterans or at-risk youth.

But, did you know equine assisted learning can also be a viable business model?

Leadership development, team-building experiences, personal development, and even wellness retreats are ways you could incorporate equine assisted learning in your horse business.

But, where do you start? If you want to incorporate equine assisted learning into your existing horse business, what questions should you be asking? What do you need to consider?

You’ll get the answers to those questions and more in a recent episode of the How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast with Denise Alvarez.

Tracey Evans, founder of Dreamwinds EAL recently joined Denise to explore the many opportunities equine assisted learning programs provide for horse businesses, including new and existing as well as non-profit and for-profit models.

In this interview with Tracey Evans you’ll hear how she went from being a corporate executive as Vice President of Marketing for American Express Global Teams to starting her own equine learning program, and then creating an EAL certification training center that helps people turn their passion for horses into a fulfilling career.

“Many horse business owners don’t even realize there are a myriad of ways to incorporate equine assisted learning into their existing businesses,” said host Denise Alvarez. “With Tracey’s years of building her own business and then training horse business owners in equine assisted learning, she brings a fresh perspective and plenty of practical insights for anyone considering incorporating equine assisted learning into a new or existing program.”

Listen to Is Equine Assisted Learning A Profitable Business Model? with Tracey Evans [Episode 143] at

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About Stormlily Marketing

Denise Alvarez is a horse girl who loves marketing. As host of the How to Market Your Horse Business Podcast and owner of Stormlily Marketing, she helps equestrian entrepreneurs turn their online visitors into their customers using practical & actionable strategies around social media, websites, and email marketing. If you want a marketing strategy that gets more of the right people in your door, Stormlily Marketing is for you.

Media Contact:
Denise Alvarez
Stormlily Marketing