Brooke USA Celebrates Workers Everywhere this Labor Day

(Lexington, KY – August 31, 2024) – As we honor all American workers on Labor Day, those living and laboring in some of the most vulnerable communities across the globe deserve some recognition, too. Against all odds and with little resources, they work endless hours to provide their families with a meager income of $2 a day.

Those living in communities where Brooke USA Foundation funds programs to improve the livelihoods of working horses, donkeys and mules are especially at risk. They represent 8% of the poorest people on earth and their entire livelihood depends on the daily performance of a working equine.

Working donkeys, horses and mules are used for commercial and domestic purposes, providing critical support to households that rely on them. One aspect of the support that they provide is the money that working equines generate in industrial sectors such agriculture, construction, tourism, mining, and public transport.

“When we celebrate our workers across the country, we cannot forget those who go unrecognized and unmentioned throughout the world,” said Emily Dulin, CEO of Brooke USA. For instance, humans and their working equines work in traditional brick kilns in India, a hidden industry, often unorganized and unregulated. Animals and humans endure the harshest working conditions imaginable.

Healthcare is scarce. Labor abuses are commonplace, including low wages, child labor and bonded slavery. “These brick kilns represent some of the most challenging work environments for people (and animals), which is why it is an exploitative industry,” added Dulin.

Brooke USA continually presses for the expansion of protective legislation for the brick kiln industry in India, including laws that safeguard workers and improve animal welfare. Brooke USA focuses on the health, welfare and wellbeing of both humans and animals.

While India’s economy has grown to be the 10th biggest in the world, millions of workers are thought to be held in conditions little better than slavery. More than two million people work in the brick kilns that supply the country’s booming construction sector. Behind India’s economic progress lies an industry largely built on the back of cheap labor.

Labor Day honors the countless contributions workers make to society. As we celebrate Labor Day this year, let us be thankful and mindful of the many benefits we are awarded in the United States and let us take an instance to think about those less fortunate. “Labor Day celebrates all workers whose daily efforts make our world a better place. Together we can help those in need in India and all around the world,” noted Dulin. To learn about Brooke USA, visit


About Brooke USA Foundation (Brooke USA): The mission of Brooke USA is to significantly improve the health, welfare and productivity of working horses, donkeys and mules and the people who depend on them for survival worldwide. We are committed to sustainable economic development by reducing poverty, increasing food security, ensuring access to water, providing a means to education, and raising basic standards of living through improved equine health and welfare. We accomplish this by raising funds and responsibly directing them to the areas of greatest need.

Brooke USA strives to alleviate the suffering and vulnerability of developing communities by funding and implementing programs that improve the quality of life and health of working equines and thereby positively impacting their economic sustainability, protecting the planet, ensuring gender equality, and guaranteeing life on land resilience. We want to see healthy, happy people and equines that work in partnership to achieve sustainable local economies.

Media Contacts:
Emily Dulin
Kendall Bierer