AHP Equine Industry Survey Returns in 2025

American Horse Publications announces the 6th AHP Equine Industry Survey.
Horse owners who live in the United States, are 18 years of age and older, currently own or manage at least one horse, and live in the United States are invited to complete the survey. The survey, conducted every three years, will gauge participation trends and management practices in the U.S. equine industry, identify critical issues facing the equine industry as perceived by those who own or manage horses, and better understand issues on horse health.
The survey is sponsored by Zoetis™ and is being conducted for American Horse Publications (AHP). AHP is a nonprofit association that promotes excellence in equine media; members include equine-related publishing media, media professionals, students, organizations, and businesses. Dr. C. Jill Stowe is providing consulting services for data collection and analysis to the AHP. Dr. Stowe is a professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky. Zoetis, Dr. Stowe, and American Horse Publications have partnered on all six surveys in 2009-2020, 2015, 2018, 2021, and 2025.
This survey is anonymous. When the survey results are tallied, only aggregated results will be presented.
The final report and survey supplemental data are only available to the sponsor and the current members of American Horse Publications. Results of previous surveys are available to current AHP members on request.
Help us help you! Distribute the survey and get results early.
The survey’s success lies with you! AHP members who promote the survey will be eligible to receive the survey results prior to its Summer release to the AHP membership.
To help you promote the survey in print media, social media and your websites, AHP has developed several resources.
Social graphics (Facebook), print materials, and QR code (click on the image to download)

Half-page ad (6.6″ x 4.4166″) (click on image to download OR contact staff for a different size)

To verify your participation, please submit one of the following to staff.
- Print promotion: Send a PDF or tearsheet of the printed release or survey promotion.
- Digital or social media promotion: Send a screenshot of the release or survey promotion that has been published online on your website or via your social media pages.
- Community promotion: Send an e-mail message describing the event and how you promoted the survey.
For questions or to request an image, contact Amy Sales at amy.sales@easterassociates.com.